Top 10 Ways for Women To Beat the London Heat

Top 10 Ways for Women To Beat the London Heat

With England's capital soaring to historically high temperatures, here are some of the best ways to stay safe!

1. Work from home--remote work has become second nature to some women post pandemic, while others have been quick to rush back to the office. During these days, prioritize yourself and opt to get your work done from a cool place if the option presents itself!


2. Try taking a lions breath--To give yourself a boost of energy, try this unusual breathing technique! All you have to do is open your mouth and stick your tongue out, breathe in through your nose, then out through your mouth. Although you may feel silly, it gets the job done!

3. Take a nap--Although this can take some time out of your day, conserving energy can be crucial during these warm days! Take to the traditions in Southern Europe and sleep when it is the hottest point of the day so you have more energy when it's cooler! All women deserve their time to revitalize themselves! Fiona Florida loves to take some time to herself every day to take a short nap. 

Fiona Florida

4. Utilize water--Make sure you are drinking enough water, but also take a cold shower! By taking a cold shower, you can lower your body temperature, and keep yourself as cool as you possibly can. To regulate the temperature in a room, try hanging wet towels around your area; it is proven to cool down the room while the water evaporates in an easy and sustainable way. 

5. Stay inside as much as possible--During peak heat hours, be sure to stay out of the sun and indoors. Closing curtains can keep the heat out well, and open the windows at night when it is cooler. Make the best decisions for yourself and the other amazing women around you! Rosa Richmond loves to stay inside her beautiful London home!

Z Rosa Richmond

6. Buy the proper supplies--Purchasing a fan and some lightweight sheets can make all the difference. Shop smart and get items which will keep you comfortable in your home!  There are plenty of great shopping options for women across the city!

7. Look for signs of heat exhaustion--If you notice yourself experiencing any of the symptoms of heat exhaustion, it is crucial to catch it early. These behaviours include: dehydration, dizziness, headache, cramping, fast breathing, and others. Take care of yourself and prioritize your health during these times! Dr. Nora Notting Hill encourages everyone to check in on their wellbeing!

Dr Nora Notting Hill

8. Check on those around you--Some people may not even realize how much the heat is effecting them physically and mentally. Make sure your friends are feeling okay on this hot day! Sending a quick text message will remind them how much you care, and help them get through the heat! 

9. Eat ice cream--Treat yourself to something cold and sweet today! Women deserve a pick-me-up every day, but especially on days like this! Grab an ice cream cone from your favourite local shop and make the most of the heat. Esmeralda Eastcote's favourite flavour is mint chip! 

Esmeralda Eastcote

10. Try a new updo hairstyle--There are so many different fun ways to wear your hair, so why not try something to keep you cool? There are so many fun women's hairstyles, so try looking some up on YouTube! Paulina Potter loves to put her hair up in a fun ponytail with pink flowers in it!

Paulina Potter

Overall, as we expect a heat wave through London this upcoming week, it is important to prioritize our personal health and well-being. Being prepared for the heat is important, but also using what one has learned during the heat wave is crucial. Stay safe, stay cool.

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